CA CARERS ALLOWANCE is a means tested benefit for those people who provide care for a person for a minimum of 35 hours per week

CAPACITY Also called ‘Mental Capacity’ means being able to make a decision at the time it is needed.

CAR CRASH EXPERIMENT (by Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer)

CARE NEEDS ASSESSMENT A thorough evaluation conducted by a healthcare or social services professional to determine an individual's physical, mental, and social care requirements

CARER’S ASSESSMENT. An evaluation conducted by the local council to determine what support a carer needs.

CBT COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY is a type of talking therapy that focusses on changing the way people respond to situations. The amount of training that a CBT practitioner receives can vary greatly from four weeks to several years. There is no set register that determines the minimum length or quality of training to qualify as a CBT practitioner.

CISGENDER (or cis, or non-trans) A person whose gender identity is the same as the sex they were assigned at birth.

CHC CONTINUING HEALTHCARE is a package of care arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals with significant healthcare needs

CHRONIC A health condition or disease that is persistent and long-lasting, typically lasting for three months or more, and often for the remainder of a person's life

COMPLEX NEEDS Refers to individuals with multiple and interconnected health and social care needs

CPA. CARE PROGRAMME APPROACH is a package of care for people with mental health problems. You might be offered CPA support if you; - have a severe mental health problem, or are at risk of suicide, self-harm, or harming other people, or tend to neglect yourself and don't take treatment regularly, are vulnerable – for example, because of financial difficulties, have misused drugs or alcohol, have learning disabilities, rely on a carer or you're a carer yourself, have recently been sectioned, are affected by difficult parenting responsibilities, have a history of violence or self-harm. If you have mental health problems, you're entitled to an assessment of your needs with a mental healthcare professional, and to have a care plan that's regularly reviewed. What do you get from the Care Programme Approach (CPA). You'll get a care-coordinator and a care plan. Your care plan is written down and sets out what support you'll get day to day and who'll give it to you. It might cover; - your medicines, help with money problems, help with housing, support at home, help to get you out and about outside your home. The care plan also outlines any risks, including details of what should happen in an emergency or crisis.

CPN COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRIC NURSE is a mental health professional who provides support, treatment, and care to individuals with mental health conditions in community settings

CPTSD COMPLEX POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. can result from experiencing chronic trauma, such as prolonged child abuse or domestic violence. It’s closely related to PTSD and borderline personality disorder. CPTSD is still a relatively new condition, it can be difficult to get an official diagnosis. People might be diagnosed with PTSD instead of CPTSD. There’s no specific test for determining whether a person has CPTSD. If you think you might have CPTSD keep a detailed log of your symptoms, when your symptoms started as well as any changes in them over time. This can help your doctor make a more accurate diagnosis.

CO. CARE ORDER. in children and young people is when a child is placed under the care of the local authority. The local authority is given parental responsibility and shares it with current parental responsibility holders, such as the child's parents. However, in order to protect a child's welfare, the local authority may exercise parental responsibility beyond that of current parental responsibility holders.

COGNITIVE FUNCTION. The ability to process thoughts, including memory, understanding, problem-solving, and decision-making

COGNITIVE LOAD. The amount of mental effort required to process information, which can be overwhelming in complex care situations

CONFIDENTIALITY. This means keeping your information private. Sometimes your information will need to be shared with other people (such as doctors or Tribunals) but you should be asked to give your permission. If you are at risk to yourself or others, information may be shared with people without your expressed consent.

CONSENT. Means giving your permission. This could mean giving your permission to share information or having treatment.

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE EXPERIMENT (By Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith)

COMPLIMENTARY THERAPIES. This refers to therapies which run alongside traditional Western medicine. Including Massage, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Mindfulness etc.

COMING OUT. When a person tells someone about their LGBTQ+ identity.

COUNSELLOR. A counsellor refers to a therapist who has been trained to use talking therapy to explore some situations with you. Different counsellors offer therapy from different psychological perspectives and approaches. The amount of training counsellors receive can vary immensely and there are no legal requirements, however, if you are considering counselling a good place to start is with the BCAP which sets minimum professional standards for its members.

COURT OF PROTECTION The Court of Protection was set up as part of the Mental Capacity Act. It protects the rights of people who do not have Mental Capacity at the time of assessment and treatment.

CULTURE. This means the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time


DEADNAMING When a trans person who has changed their name as part of their transition is called by their birth name.

DEMI-ROMANTIC Similar to demi-sexual, but regarding romantic attraction. Both demi-romantic and demi-sexual are considered part of the asexuality spectrum.

DEMI-SEXUAL Someone who only develops sexual attraction to people after establishing an emotional bond. Demi-sexual can be used as its own label, but many people use it in conjunction with other labels that denote who they're attracted to, such as lesbian or bisexual.

DEPUTY A Deputy is someone appointed by the Court of Protection to make decisions for someone who lacks mental capacity.

DETENTION. Detention for mental health means being held in a hospital for assessment or treatment. This is sometimes called being sectioned.




DLA DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE. is a none means tested benefit for those who have a disability or long-term health condition that affects their day to day life – This has now been replaced for the majority of people by Personal Independence Payments (PIP) or Adult Disability Payments (ADP) if you live in Scotland.

DNR. DO NOT RESUSCITATE. is a legal order indicating to others, including healthcare staff, that a person does not wish to receive CPR if their heart stops beating. A DNR order can be made by them or us as their carer.

DoLS DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY SAFEGUARDS is a legal framework to protect people in care who lack the capacity to consent to their care and treatment

DSM-5 Diagnostic Statistical Manual 5 Is the current diagnostic set of agreed criteria for identifying Mental health disorders and illnesses developed by the American Psychiatric Association. Th UK government tend to use the diagnostic labels within the DSM-5 when funding research, however the majority of professionals in the NHS use the ICD-11.

DWP DEPARTMENT FOR WORKS AND PENSIONS UK government department responsible for welfare, pensions, and child maintenance policy.