One way of considering Mental Health and Wellbeing are ecosystems. An ecosystem highlights some of the aspects of a person which helps to make them unique individuals.

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory explores how a child’s development is influenced by the surrounding environment, from immediate family and school settings to broad cultural values, laws, and customs.

An easy way to think about think of an onion and all the layers it has, each layer interacts with the other layers forming a complex structure with a central core. At the core is the person, and each layer is something that has influence on the growth and development of the individual.

Since Bronfenbrenner many psychologists have developed the theory further to reflect modern times and include factors such as social media.

Here is an ecosystem that shows some factors that can be considered. Different factors can influence a person’s wellbeing. The ecosystem shows that by altering certain factors we can improve wellbeing and resilience, and tailor support to the individual rather fit the person to a predetermined category

Different factors can influence a person’s wellbeing. This ecosystem shows that by altering certain factors we can improve wellbeing and resilience, and tailor support to the individual rather fit the person to a predetermined category.