Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a complicated name for a type of therapy that reduces the amount of distress associated with difficult memories. People can experience difficulties in their past which can provoke strong physical, mental, and emotional responses in the present time. Whilst it is not possible erase the memories, EMDR works to lessen the intensities of the reactions associated with the difficult memories.

EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro, who made a chance observation that certain eye movements allowed her to recall difficult memories in a less heightened state. She tested her results on others and this approach was developed.

The principles of EMDR are to stimulated alternate sides of the brain whilst recalling past and present memories and thinking about the future. Stimulating alternate sides (bi-lateral sensory input) of the brain can be achieved through auditory input, vibrations on paddles in each hand, or movement of something from side to side.

Family Therapy (Also called Systemic Therapy)

Families can be very stressful, they can experience multiple ways of behaving and communicating with each other that can create friction and distress. Family therapy explores with the family those patterns of communication in a non-judgemental and safe manner to help the family move forward in a more positive manner.

Group Therapy

Group therapy brings together people who are experiencing similar difficulties into a group which is facilitated by one or more therapists. Group therapy can offer emotional support, to explore difficulties and as a group work to problem solve these.

Integrative Counselling

With Integrative Counselling the therapist draws from a range psychological theories and skills and blends them to meet the needs of the individual client. Integrative Counselling takes the stance that no single psychological approach can treat all clients

Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal Therapy explores the way we relate to others and the impact this has on our wellbeing. This therapy is underpinned by the belief that a lot of psychological difficulties arise due to the difficulties in our interactions with others.